Jawbreaking Latin
+ Demo: add media files
Coffee Chat September 14thThanks to all of you who joined our second Coffee Chat in the history. Just as last time we were a good mix of different IrisBG experience levels from 17 institutions across the continents – ranging from brand new community members to some of our oldest members. All are welcome! Read more on our Coffee Chats-page. |
On the agenda we had the Community Challenge from Kirsten Andresson, GIS & Data Officer at National Arboretum in Canberra that was presented by me, Mari Rustan, on behalf of Kirsten and her team. We had some fun listening to each other's excellent pronunciations, but this section is not shared with public. If you don't want to miss out on the community chats, make sure to register for our upcoming Coffee Chat October 12th.
🌱 Since the time of the session, National Arboretum Canberra have published their Arboretum Explorer.
The possibility to add audio files to your Web Explorer page was released with our version August 12th, so after the Community Challenge we did a little demo to show you how easy it is to add media files to your records in the Taxa, Features and Tours screen. We have also created a tutorial for this.
⏭ Add media files (audio/video)
We also tested out to have a free "Open chat" after our demo which allowed everyone to share a bit of what they're currently working on and asking the community for input on simple issues. As with the pronunciation of the scientific names, we are not sharing the recording of this part of the session because we want everyone to partake without a worry, but below follows an update on some of the things we discussed.
From the open chat
- Possibility to link to iNaturalist from Index Seminum (Web Store): This has been added and will be included in our upcoming version.
- How to copy Custom Attributes when making a new Taxon. This has been added and will be included in our upcoming version. (Is already possible when entering a new Accession.)
- ArcGIS sync with IrisBG: This is possible already, but we are currently working on ways to make this more automated and easier for you as users.
- How to register and track phenology: This will be the topic of our upcoming Coffee Chat October 12th. How are you working with this today? We would love to hear from you!
1 comment
Great addition to IrisBG, thanks Øyvind and Mari!
The NAC has been using the audio file option to help visitors learn the scientific name pronunciation:
and we recently added a video file to capture one of the free moving sculptures at the NAC:
The NAC plans to keep adding more interactive content as we progress in our development of Arboretum Explorer.
Thanks for all of your help,
Kirsten Anderson
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