Using Mailmerge to create label templates lets you quickly and efficiently create a large set of personalized labels from plant accession and taxon data in IrisBG.
Doing so eliminates the need to manually type each field, saving time and reducing the chance of errors.
⚠️ Please read our article, Customize labels with IrisBG's label templates, to fully understand where templates and custom templates are stored, how to record a new label type, and more.
🌱 This guide illustrates how to modify an IrisBG label template using Microsoft Word MailMerge. We demonstrate changing a field's text to capital letters and adding a barcode.
For this example, we use the Lbl_L1 template as a starting point. |
Table of Contents
Modify a field name with all capital letters
1. Open up the Lbl_L1 template.
2. Select and right-click the field you would like to change. Next, click Edit Field...
The Edit Field... option is the best way to ensure accuracy when changing a field name and its properties.
3. In Field properties change the Format from "(none)" to "Uppercase". Click OK.
The field, Taxon distribution, is now in uppercase format. |
4. Select and copy the now uppercase field and paste it into the other labels. In our example, we replace the TaxonDistribution field in the template's other three labels with the new uppercase format.
Upload the custom template to IrisBG
When you are happy with the result:
1. Go to the Custom templates screen, Definitions < Custom templates in IrisBG. |
2. Upload your new template document.Add a barcode to your label using Microsoft Word Mailmerge |
Your new custom template is now included in your database and can be used by other users.
⏭️ Next, learn how to Add barcodes to labels using Microsoft Word Mailmerge.
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