⏭Continue with next video: Getting Started with IrisBG | Basic search for records
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new IrisBG tutorial.
In this video you will learn how to search for an accession using Express search and take a quick look at the main parts of the Accessions screen which usually is where you will do most of your work.
In IrisBG an Accession refers to plant material acquired by the garden. Each accession may range from zero to several items - that is, plants or herbarium specimens - denoted by their location and status.
To open up the screen you click on “Accessions” here in the list.
All the plants in your collection belong to an accession and have a unique accession number. The format of accession numbers may vary from garden to garden, but the principle is the same. Most gardens use a number composed of year and a sequential number within the year.
There are several ways to search in IrisBG, but for now we will focus on what we in IrisBG call Express Search, which are these yellow fields here. Express Search can also be found in the Item management- and Taxa screens.
The cool thing with these fields is that you don't have to type out the full query. The Express search fields are also the only time you just can click Enter to search.
I’ll show you with an example. I want to retrieve the accession 1978-0921, but instead of typing the entire acc. no. I can type 78 and 921 and click Enter.
This works with the taxon name as well. First, to perform a new search, always click Clear/New. To find all Saxifraga oppositifolia, simply type “Sa” and “op” and it will give you a result list with all the records. To view one of the records in the list, just double-click.
This is the simplest way to search in IrisBG. I will show you the other ways in some other tutorials. For now, let’s continue with a closer look at the Accession screen.
Here is the Accession with all its information recorded in different tabs. In the Details tab you will find information such as the scientific name and its origin. This yellow dot indicates that there is information recorded here. Click on the + to expand. Now we can see that this accession was received as seeds.
In the Items tab all the plants of the accession are displayed. In this case we have one plant and one herbarium specimen.
Let’s look at the tabs. Here we can see that the number of entries is indicated by a number after the name. For this Accession there is a 1 in the Image tab. When we click on the Image tab, we will see that we indeed have one image for this accession. Just click on the image to make it larger.
You have now gotten a short introduction to the Accession screen and with the Express Search you know how to quickly perform a search.
Thank you for watching. See you in the next video.
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