Efficient collection management
with Custom Attributes
Coffee Chat October 12thThanks to all of you who joined our October Coffee Chat! Just as last time we were a good mix of different IrisBG experience levels joining us from 28 institutions across the continents. Theses sessions are free to all of you with a valid license and this also covers your volunteers, so it was especially fun to see a couple of volunteers attending.
Read more on our Coffee Chats-page. |
We were so lucky to have two members of the community present in this session. First, Jaime Frye, the Assistant Curator of Living Collections at Newfields held a presentation on how she just have embarked on using these fields for customization and was asking you, the community, for further advice and inspiration. She also shared a mistake she did and how to avoid it. Then, Alison Crook, the National Curator, Plant Collections at National Trust UK shared her extremely comprehensive (and impressive) use of the attributes for Accessions with tips on how to work with a multi-site collection.
If you don't want to miss out on the discussions in the Open chat, make sure to register for our upcoming Coffee Chat November 9th. NB: Time and date might be subject to change as we are awaiting confirmation.
Are you familiar with Custom Attributes in IrisBG?
Of the attendees, just 19 % were not familiar with the possibility to add their own fields to IrisBG and a whopping 62 % are already using them a lot. If you are amongst them who are not using them yet, we hope this Coffee Chat serves as inspiration to start using them. We have also updated our comprehensive tutorial on the topic.
For those of you that already use Custom Attributes: Why don't you share how you use them with the community in the comments below or by starting a thread in our forum?
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