π± Please note that this content is old and may be outdated since IrisBG has been developed further. This material is shared merely as a source of inspiration. If you are interested in learning how something is done in IrisBG today, just comment below or contact us.
Scroll down to find pdf's as attachments. The content presented by IrisBG has been taken out of the programme, but at the conference we also had training, workshops and updates on new features.
The first IrisBG User Conference was initiated by Reinout Havinga, Horticus Botanicus Amsterdam, so naturally Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam was the host garden the first year, 15th April 2016.
Representing institutions from Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK A total of 30 participated and gave each other as well as us valuable tricks and tips for improvements.
Working together
Freedom by responsibility
Anne-Cathrine Scheen, Stavanger botanic garden
β On how the two people that work with IrisBG share the responsibilities between them.
19 (22) collections and counting: Why English Heritage record plants
Christopher Weddell, English Heritage
β How to formalise the workflow between so many different collections?
Barcodes in IrisBG: From muddy paper trails to fully fledged mobility
Reinout Havinga, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam
β On how the use of barcodes and IrisBG mobile have changed how stocktaking is performed.
Knowing what you donβt have (yet)
β Using IrisBG for inventories and wish lists
Anneleen Kool, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
β On how you with IrisBG can get a better overview of what you have in the collection and what they would like to get.
The systematic garden: filling in gaps
Ralf Omlor, Botanic Garden, University of Mainz
β On planning and maintenance of systematic beds, the ideal workflow and suggestions for how IrisBG can be improved (reports).
The proof of the pudding β¦ is in the eating
Knowledge sharing in a multilingual environment
Tami Zigler, Ramat Hanadiv
β On how to work with multilingual collection. In this case, Hebrew and English. See how this can look: Ramat Hanadiv Garden Explorer.
Planning propagation (no slides).
Cees van Dam, Historical Garden Aalsmeer
β On how you can plan propagation by using Custom Attributes on a taxonomic level.
Using ArcGIS maps in IrisBG to manage an Alpine garden
Heidi Lie Andersen, Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, University of Bergen
β How to manage the maps in an Alpine garden with high turn-over?
β Since July 2021 we are hosting a virtual Coffee Chat to provide our community a way to connect without having to travel. Register if you'd like to join and let us know if you have something you'd like to get the community's input on.
The IrisBG User Conferences was initiated by Reinout Havinga, Horticus Botanicus Amsterdam. From 2016-2019 had an annual European User Conference hosted by one of our users. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Plant Records Conference in Mainz was arranged online, but we are looking forward to we can organise the 5th IrisBG User Conference again in the future.
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