For setting up each user for your IrisBG database, we recommended following the workflow presented in this article. Here, you will learn the order each step is to be performed for adding team members as IrisBG users with defined role types.
When adding team members and volunteers to work in the IrisBG database, follow this sequence:
- Add Personnel
- Define Role Types
- Add User Accounts for your personnel
For each step listed below, we have provided links to the correlating IrisBG Knowledge Library tutorials. Please note you will need to be signed in to access them (it is free to create an account).
1. Add Personnel
The Personnel screen (Management > Personnel) is where you can add and manage personnel related to your institution. The personnel you add can range from members of your garden team to other institutional department staff, and even volunteers. Read step-by-step instructions on adding personnel.
2. Role & Permissions
Once you have added staff and volunteers who will be using the IrisBG software to the Personnel screen, it is important to then check in with role types (Authorization > Role types). Here, you can define permissions to various parts of the system. The benefit of having clearly defined access control is that it aids in the protection of your plant records. This is an important factor when training a staff member or volunteer to use IrisBG. User access for each screen can be changed later as the user gains more knowledge of how the database functions. Read step-by-step instructions for defining roles and permissions.
After you have all relevant roles defined, click "Save" and navigate to User Accounts.
3. Add User Accounts
Adding User Accounts is important for managing the Personnel's access to IrisBG.
First ask yourself- “Does the user exist in the Personnel screen?”
Then, ask “Does the role to be assigned exist in the Role types screen?”.
If “Yes” is the answer to both of these questions, you may proceed with adding user accounts!
🌱 Remember: All users with the same role (defined in the User accounts screen) will have the same permissions. If a role is changed, the updated permissions will apply to all users having the role.
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